Can technology save our forests?
Author: Jon Heggie
Forests are integral to combating threatened biodiversity and climate change, yet 15 billion trees are cut down every year. This is where technology starts to help. Today satellites like NOAA-20 can provide real-time images of the Earth to accurately identify and track illegal deforestation as it happens. From spotting the smoke of fires to detecting the telltale scars where swathes of trees have been cleared, detailed satellite images can pinpoint deforestation at even a small scale, enabling authorities to take early action. Technology is not only helping to prevent deforestation, but is also making it easier to restore cleared forests. Drones have been designed to help speed up reforestation with a fully automated process: They map and identify the best places to replant, and then shoot pods into the soil that contain pre - germinated seeds along with the nutrients necessary for healthy growth. These drones can plant trees in hard-to-reach places at a lower cost - and up to 10 times faster - than traditional methods. While the world’s forests continue to shrink, such technology could be the answer to planting a lot of trees very quickly.