California Needs Carbon Capture to Meet Net-Zero Carbon Goals

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California Needs Carbon Capture to Meet Net-Zero Carbon Goals

California Needs Carbon Capture to Meet Net-Zero Carbon Goals


Author:  Tom Widroe

America remains heavily reliant on traditional energy and will be for decades to come, with demand for energy far outpacing the capabilities of renewable energy sources. However, while traditional resources like natural gas are still expected to have high demand, the realities of the energy market are changing. Our national goal of reaching net-zero carbon by 2050 means that we need to embrace new technologies that allow us to continue to meet energy demand while lowering emission levels. Thankfully, CCS technologies are ready and capable to play a key role in powering American energy strong and reducing emissions. CCS is the process of capturing carbon produced by energy production and other forms of heavy manufacturing. The carbon is then transpod and stored in secure, natural geological formations and kept out of the atmosphere. The technology is not entirely new, it has been around since the 1970s. Now the energy industry is pouring further funds into research and development of the technology, with global CCS investments hovering around $2.3 billion. California cannot afford to miss out. California is in desperate need of a new injection of capital into our economy. Jobs and people are leaving the state at an alarming rate, and we need outside-the-box thinking to add jobs to our economy and our communities. Fortunately, CCS technology can help — the retrofitting of a single steel plant with CCS technology can create nearly 2,500 construction jobs and 250 full-time opportunities for workers in our state.