Braya Renewable Fuels Issues a Request for Proposal for the Provision and Potential Production of Green Hydrogen

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Braya Renewable Fuels Issues a Request for Proposal for the Provision and Potential Production of Green Hydrogen

Braya Renewable Fuels Issues a Request for Proposal for the Provision and Potential Production of Green Hydrogen


Braya Renewable Fuels ("Braya") has issued an RFP for the provision of green hydrogen as a feedstock for its refinery operations in Come By Chance, NL, Canada, and as a potential export commodity in the form of green ammonia for local, regional, and international markets. Braya is currently repositioning the facility to produce renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Braya's production of renewable diesel requires substantial amounts of hydrogen feedstock every year. Hydrogen can be derived from many sources, and Braya has existing access to grey hydrogen; however, to produce the lowest carbon intensity rating possible, Braya is interested in acquiring green hydrogen to support its operations. At approximately 35,000 metric tons, this project will be the largest domestic green hydrogen project in Canada to date. Considering the operational footprint of the refinery, ample access to water, and other existing infrastructure in place, Braya recognizes that the production of green hydrogen can scale beyond its own operational needs. Braya is open to capitalizing on potential opportunities with the successful proponent to scale green hydrogen and green ammonia production, storage, and handling to serve a larger market audience.