Beyond energy and climate issues
As repod in Nature Sustainability, the researchers investigated for the first time whether it is possible for the plastics industry to respect planetary boundaries. These are a measure of comprehensive sustainability that goes beyond energy and climate issues to include, for example, impacts on land and water sources, ecosystems, and biodiversity. In short: processes that adhere to planetary boundaries can be sustained over the long term without depleting the Earth’s resources. The study finds that circular plastics are feasible within planetary boundaries. This would require at least 74% of the plastic to be recycled. By way of comparison, only around 15% is recycled in Europe today, and the rate is likely to be much lower in other regions of the world. In addition, the study finds that recycling processes would have to be improved. Specifically, plastics recycling would have to become as efficient as other chemical processes already are today. As things currently stand, not all plastics can be recycled. In the case of polyurethanes used as foams, for example, recycling has yet to be established. For the remaining maximum 26% of plastics, the carbon needed for production could be sourced using two other technologies, according to the study: on the one hand, CO2 captured from combustion processes or from the atmosphere (known as carbon capture and utilization or CCU), and on the other hand, from biomass. “Recycling alone won’t do it; we need all three pillars,” says lead author André Bardow, professor of energy and process systems engineering at ETH Zurich. “Increasing the recycling rate to 74% worldwide is a very ambitious goal,” Bardow admits. As such, it is unlikely to be achieved by 2030, but 2050 is more realistic. Another challenge, however, is that more plastic products are currently being manufactured year after year. If the current trend continues until 2050, it won’t be enough to simply improve recycling processes, as planetary boundaries would still be exceeded in 2050.