An Eco-Friendly Catch: New Bags from Used Fishing Nets

An Eco-Friendly Catch: New Bags from Used Fishing Nets

An Eco-Friendly Catch: New Bags from Used Fishing Nets


A study on how to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals kicked off two years ago. On learning of the production of materials using recycled fishing nets through the Tokyo-based Alliance for the Blue, set up by the Nippon Foundation to reduce ocean waste and recycle marine resources, the group decided to take part. As a large base for fisheries, known in particular for its catches of snow crabs, Toyooka suppod this initiative. For the materials, a Hokkaidō fishing net merchant starts by collecting nets that have been used for salmon catches; these are then recycled into resin pellets by a Tokyo materials recycling firm. These are then spun into thread and woven into fabrics by an Osaka textile company. This is a cooperative project on a national scale.