Alternative for Electric Refrigerator: Evaporative Coolers

Alternative for Electric Refrigerator: Evaporative Coolers

Alternative for Electric Refrigerator: Evaporative Coolers


You won’t find these on Amazon, but you can make one. It’s an ancient refrigeration technique called evaporative cooling, where water within a medium, wrapped around a food-storage vessel, is cooled by moving air. Evaporative coolers are used outdoors and are generally hung from a branch of a shady tree. The design is really simple design– a rack of lightweight shelves is covered with a burlap skin. A vessel with tiny puncture holes slowly releases water onto the burlap, keeping it moist for many hours. The air blowing onto the soaked burlap cools the water molecules, which in turn lowers the temperature of the entire construction as well as the food inside the evaporative cooler.