Alternative for electric fridge - Propane fridge

Unique Appliances

Alternative for electric fridge - Propane fridge

Alternative for electric fridge - Propane fridge


Author: Rachel Burt

Running on gas instead of electricity, propane fridges offer a great alternative to traditional fridges that run up your electric bills. Aside from the way they keep things cool, there’s not much of a difference between the two, so switching to propane isn’t hard. Jim Lee, a self-proclaimed cowboy in his younger days, spent the first 17 years of his life without a refrigerator before joining the Navy. Having been raised off-grid, Now, at 72 years old, Lee says he allows himself some luxuries like ice for his tea in the summer. He still uses a propane fridge, which only requires propane gas and features a freezer up top and a fridge below. Rather than using coolant to keep the insides cold, propane fridges rely on simpler chemical reactions between a flame and a solution of water and ammonia, and don’t take very long to install, says service manager Walt Piontek of Proctor Gas Inc., a Vermont-based company that sells and installs propane fridges.