A Sustainable Plan Toward Profitability

Image source: https://ceoworld.biz/

A Sustainable Plan Toward Profitability

A Sustainable Plan Toward Profitability

Source: https://ceoworld.biz/2022/07/28/a-sustainable-plan-toward-profitability/

Author: Rhett Power

Over the past 20 years, sustainability has become a major focus in the wider corporate conversation, and for good reason. New technology, corporate responsibility mandates, and a more informed workforce are all leading us toward new opportunities in the way that we structure our practices and profits to last. Creating sustainable, responsible processes in the workplace isn’t easy: It takes time, attention, focus, and a tight management team, all of which tend to be precious resources. But evidence shows that the effort put into starting sustainable, responsible corporate practices early is not wasted. In the past two years, sustainable investment assets have grown by 42% here in the U.S and that growth is being seen in almost every region in the world. As ESG mandates increase and the Great Resignation continues, sustainability isn’t just a noble concept; it’s a real opportunity for growth, profitability, and longevity - an opportunity not to miss