A farmer who lives off-grid in rural Kentucky is the subject of a new YouTube video in which he reveals his simple existence and his search for love.Titus Morris has been living in the Appalachian Mountains for eight years, with no electricity, running water, cell phone, car, or even shoes in the summer.
Titus reveals his daily routine in an hour-long documentary created by YouTuber Peter Santenello, with cultivating potatoes, doing laundry in the local river, and feeding his horses among his regular activities.
He says at one time that his monthly spending is roughly $140 and that he earns a tiny income by training and shoeing horses.
His monthly expenses include $90 for a landline phone, which he has installed in a shed near his trailer home so he may share it with a neighbor. He then spends about $20 each month on food for his dogs Sadie and Spartacus, as well as another $30 on items he can't cultivate, such as bananas and Himalayan salt. Titus continued to live as simply as possible after growing up in a'very devout' home. While his parents have a computer and power, he wanted to go even more back to basics.