89% of Retailers Plan to Expand Sustainable Shopping Offerings

Image Source: https://thefintechtimes.com/

89% of Retailers Plan to Expand Sustainable Shopping Offerings

89% of Retailers Plan to Expand Sustainable Shopping Offerings

Source: https://thefintechtimes.com/89-of-retailers-plan-to-expand-sustainable-shopping-offerings-barclaycard-payments/

Author: Tom Bleach

Barclaycard Payments has revealed new research, showing that retailers are introducing more sustainable ways to buy and sell products and services. Such moves appear to come following pressure from consumers to be more environmentally conscious. Retailers also try to differentiate themselves from competitors as consumers look to reduce their spending as the cost of living continues to rise. Barclaycard commissioned a survey, conducted by Opinium, of 400 retailers between 6 and 11 October 2022. Those surveyed comprised senior decision-makers across SME and corporate retailers across the UK. The research appears to show that retailers are following consumers in taking the climate into account. Around seven in 10 (71 per cent) of the businesses surveyed now offer recycling, renting, reusing or reselling shopping options. It was also found that over a third (36 per cent) have introduced more sustainable ways to shop in the last 12 months. The results suggest that ‘green’ options have become much more of a priority for businesses in the last year.