3 countries that are carbon negative

3 countries that are carbon negative

3 countries that are carbon negative

Source: www.gvi.co.uk.org

According to a press release of the Presidency, Panama, Bhutan and Surinam are the only countries in the world that capture more greenhouse gases than those emitted into the atmosphere. Of 193 United Nations member countries, only three countries, "have declared their emissions as carbon negative," which places them as pioneers in the fight against climate change.

Since, Bhutan’s political agenda is based on their GNH index model, environmental protection quickly became a top priority. Free hydroelectric power is  generated by Bhutan’s many rivers is used instead of less environmentally friendly fossil fuels, a ban was placed on log exports, The constitution was amended to include that forested areas would not drop below 60%, and Free electricity is provided to rural farmers.

Suriname has claimed a net-negative carbon economy since at least 2014. This is in large part because dense forests cover over 93% of the country. Most of the rainforest is still in pristine condition, however it is being threatened by gold mining and logging companies.

 By 2050, Panama is planning to reforest 50,000 hectares that will contribute to the absorption of about 2.6 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). For this purpose, Panama has the National System of Environmental Information, which is a platform that aims to sytematize, store and distribute information about the nation’s natural resources and sustainability.